What do {{user}} and {{char}} mean?

What do {{user}} and {{char}} mean?

{{user}} and {{char}} are Handlebar variables. You can read more about them here (opens in a new tab), but in simple terms, {{user}} is a placeholder for your username and {{char}} is a placeholder for your prompt's name.

For example, if you include {{char}} in your character prompt named Jason, all instances of {{char}} will be replaced by 'Jason' before the AI even sees it.

Therefore, {{char}}'s name is Jason will only show up as Jason's name is Jason, and the AI will never actually see the word {{char}}.

Instances of {{user}} are handled the same way - let's say your username is 'Lia'. The sentence {{user}}'s favourite food is lettuce will be changed, and then sent to the AI as Lia's favourite food is lettuce.

However, if a different user (let's call them Wyatt) tries the same prompt, {{user}}'s favourite food is lettuce will instead be changed and sent to the AI as Wyatt's favourite food is lettuce. Essentially, {{user}} is replaced with the username of whoever is using the prompt.